Ready. Set. WRITE! {week2}

RSW badgeWhat’s Ready. Set. WRITE!, you ask? It’s a summer-long writing intensive that encourages goal setting and accountability, and provides an opportunity for writers to cheer each other on at any point in the process—be it planning, drafting, revising, and/or polishing. The event is hosted by Alison Miller, Jaime Morrow, Erin Funk, and Katy Upperman.

I’ll be checking in weekly to share my progress, and if you’re contemplating joining the fun, there’s still time! Full event details HERE.


How I did on last week’s goals

I was on the road for half of last week, so progress was grim. But I managed to have an afternoon Skype session with my CP Susan Dennard regarding VENGEANCE ROAD. She had tons of insightful feedback, mostly regarding character arcs and motivations (which are always a struggle for me in first drafts). While addressing her concerns requires a considerable amount of work in the second half of the novel, I’m super pumped to dig in. I spent the weekend brainstorming and outlining a plan-of-attack. As for my other two goals… SHUTDOWN is still on the back burner until VR is turned in to my editor. But I did well on the reading front, cruising through ~300 pages of an ARC of HEIR OF FIRE!


My goals for this week

  • Revise at least 10 chapters of VENGEANCE ROAD
  • Finish reading HEIR OF FIRE


A favorite line from my project OR a word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised

The first line of VENGEANCE ROAD has stuck since I scrambled out of the shower to frantically type it into my phone… It weren’t no secret Pa owned the best plot of land long Granite Creek, and I reckon that’s why they killed him.


The biggest challenge I faced this week

Balancing travel with work.


Something I love about my WIP

The world. I’ve been obsessed with the west since I was a child, and I’ve had so. much. fun. bringing 1877 Arizona to life. :)

That’s all I’ve got til next check-in. How was your week of writing/revising?

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New + Forthcoming

Dustborn Cover
The Girl and the Witch's Garden cover
Immunity cover