

What I’m Reading: March Edition

Lots of books this month! Lots of books with…dark covers. THE DISENCHANTMENTS sticks out like a sore thumb ;) Anyway, let’s get to it! Here’s what I read in March: Sarah J Maas’ second novella in the THRONE OF GLASS series, THE ASSASSIN AND THE DESERT, came out just two days ago and I’ve already...
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Steal Like an Artist

About a year ago, I was at the day job (web design), when a link to a blog post made it’s way around the office via AIM. The post was basically one man’s manifesto when it came to creativity. He listed out ten things he wished he knew when he was starting out as a...
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One down, an unknown amount to go

Revision #1 is done! I finished late Friday night and let me tell you, they should bottle up how I was feeling and sell it in bulk. Holy crap, did I feel amazing. It was relief and pride and awesomeness and sheer joy all rolled into one. I pretty much felt like this: And let’s...
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Like an artist

This comic by Ida Eva Neverdahl got passed around the internet today, and for obvious reasons. Take a look: Ida, how did you do this? How did you so perfectly capture the struggles of pursuing a creative life? How did you capture the process and the love and the doubts and the uncertainty? And how...
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